Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Olympic Games

In R3 at Russell Street School we have been learning lots of different things about the Olympic Games.

Today we learnt about the Olympic Creed. Here it is: "The most important thing is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well."

We watched this video which we think is a great example of the Olympic Creed at work! Check it out!

We have also been learning about some of the cities that have hosted the Olympics. We made a Google Map with their locations. Check it out!


  1. Which part do you think is most important about the creed? We are doing an inquiry next week about the qualities of Olympians and the history of the games. Do you know who wrote the creed and when it was first used?

  2. Hi Room 3,
    We just watched the video as a whole class and did some thinking about the Olympic creed and how it was shown in the video.

    We thought that it was inspiring to see an athlete keep going even though he hurt himself and to see how his father supported him in his decision to continue and complete the race. We think it would have been his dream to compete, finish, and win an Olympic race and to see him complete his race was showing the creed at work.

    We also found some cons for the runner to keep going. We thought is was great to see his determination to finish but continuing would have caused him a lot of pain and could of made his injury worse than it was originally.

    Before the video some of us didn’t entirely agree with the creed but after that video we understand how winning isn’t the most important part of the contest but it is knowing that you have tried your best, given it all you got and have made your friends, family and country proud of you.

    Teegan, on behalf of Miss T’s class
